Saturday, November 19, 2005

What kind of drug are u ?

Here is another one on people and science. This time its not physics but chemistry, a different kind of chemistry. For guys there are different types of girls, for example a really boring girl is like Ambien(zolpidem tartrate) basically a sleeping pill or Zoloft(Sertraline hydrochloride), a girl who would lift you out of a depression or that girl who elevates your heart and respiration rates just like Ephedrine(Adrenaline) or girls who act like Valium(Diazepam) and calm you & take away your anxiety, finally who can forget those girls who give you those hallucinogenic dreams like Ecstacy(Methylenedioxymethamphetamine). Now what kind of drug would girls think ? Well ... if they are a drug what would you be ... A Placebo .... of course !


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